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Director of the Shirley Chisholm Project

of Brooklyn Women’s Activism from 1945- Present

Women’s and Gender Studies 

Brooklyn College, CUNY  

1207 Ingersoll Hall 

2900 Bedford Avenue 

Brooklyn, NY 11210



Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 

Ph.D. in African American Studies with a Specialization in Race, Politics and Culture, 2014.

Dissertation: Catalysts for Change: A Comparative Study of Barbara Jordan and Shirley Chisholm. 

Committee: Darlene Clark Hine (Chair), Martha Biondi and Farah J. Griffin. Richard Iton (deceased former chair)  Robin D.G. Kelley (outside reader)     

Columbia University, New York, New York

M.A. in African American Studies with a Specialization in Political Science and Policy, 2005

Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

         B.A. in Political Science, and A.S. in African American Studies, 1998


Academic and Research Experience

Director of the Shirley Chisholm Project of Brooklyn Women’s Activism from 1945- Present,

   Brooklyn College of the City University of New York,

Endowed Post-doctoral Fellow Women and Gender Studies, Brooklyn College, 2013 - 2014
Vivian A. Ware Research Fellow Delta Research and Educational Foundation, 2009 - 2010


Fraser, Zinga. 2012. “The Politics of Trauma: Shirley Chisholm’s Political Life,”

         In Spite of the Double Drawbacks: African American Women in History and Culture.                            Association of Black Women Historians. 75-87.

Fraser, Zinga. “Tribute to Manning Marable,” SOULS: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture and            Society. Vol.13, No. 4, Fall 2011.

Fraser, Zinga A. 2009 - 2010. Associate Editor, PHILLIS: The Journal for Research on African American          Women.

Fraser, Zinga A. 2011. “The Politics of Trauma: The Political Lives of Barbara Jordan and Shirley                  Chisholm.” PHILLIS: The Journal for Research on African American Women. 1:53-62.

Fraser, Zinga A. 2009.“Encyclopedia Entry,” Rep. Ronald Dellums and Rep.

         Barbara Lee. Encyclopedia of African American History: from the Age of Segregation to the                Twenty-first Century (1896-to Present), Gerald Horne, Ed. Oxford University Press.

Fraser, Zinga A. 2004. “Rethinking Black Studies.” SOULS: A Critical Journal of

         Black Politics, Culture and Society. Vol. 6 Numbers 3-4 Summer/Fall 2004. 98-103. 


Working Papers

Fraser, Zinga A. “A Road Less Traveled: Black Congressional Women’s Political Legacies.”

Fraser, Zinga A. “Call Me Madame President: Shirley Chisholm’s 1972 Presidential Campaign.” 

2010 - present

2010 - present

Awards and Honors

American Political Science Association, Byran Jackson Dissertation Research

         On Minority Politics Award, (in recognition of outstanding scholarship by a graduate student in the area of race and urban politics, August 2014.


Research Fellowships and Grants

Northwestern University, The Graduate School Research Grant, Spring 2012

          Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, Institute for Research and African American Studies.,                 2011 - 2013

Northwestern University Conference Student Travel Grant., 2006 - 2010 Northwestern Student                     Leadership Award., 2009

Center for African American History, Conference Award for paper presentation,

         Northwestern University, 2007

Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship Honorable Mention, 2006

Zora Neale Hurston Award, Excellence Writing Award for Social Sciences for Master’s Thesis,                        Columbia University, 2005

Paul Robeson Fellow (awarded $12,500), Columbia University, 2004 - 2005


Conference Presentations

Chair, Black Women’s Radical Activism and Politics, Association for the Study

         of Life and History Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2015

Paper Presentation, “Blazing Trails: Shirley Chisholm's Political Legacy.” More

            Than a First: Shirley Chisholm's Historical and Political Legacy, Association for the Study of African American Life and History Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2015

Paper Presentation, Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Pittsburgh, PA,            2012, “If I Can’t Be Free I Will Be A Mystery: Shirley Chisholm and Barbara Jordan’s                            Freedom Dreams.”

Chair, Columbia University, New York, NY, 2012, A New Vision of Black Freedom: Manning Marable            Conference,  “Models of Leadership.”

Paper Presentation, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2012, A Beautiful Struggle:                                  Transformative Black Studies in Shifting Political Landscapes,  “Sister Outsider/Sister                        Insider: Shirley Chisholm, Barbara Jordan and Black Women’s Politics in the Post-Civil Rights            Era.”

Paper Presentation, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY, 2012, Be A Catalyst for Change: Shirley                          Chisholm’s Lifelong Legacy Conference, “Shirley Chisholm's Freedom Dreams: Transforming            Women's Politics.”

Chair, Association for the Study of African American Life and History,

         Richmond, VA, 2011, “Living History: Manning Marable’s Intellectual and Political Legacy.”

Paper Presentation, Association for the Study of African American Life and History,

         Richmond, VA, 2011, “Manning Marable’s Black Politics and the Quest for Transformational              Black Leadership.”

Panelist, National Conference on Black Studies, New Orleans, LA, 2010, “Where is Black Studies?:              Perspectives from Doctoral Students in the Field.”

Paper Presentation, Delta Research and Educational Foundation, Washington, DC, 2010,                            “Daughter’s of Ida: Ida B. Wells’ Legacy of Political Activism.”

Paper Presentation, City University of New York, Black Women and the Radical

Tradition Conference, New York, New York, 2009, “Shirley Chisholm: Redefining a Radical Political Ideology.”

Paper Presentation, National Conference on Black Studies, San Francisco, CA,

         2007, “Re- Thinking Black Studies: Re-imagining Communities.”

Panelist, AYA African American Graduate Student Conference, 20th Year

          Anniversary Conference Panel on the Future of Black Studies, Temple University, 2008

 Paper Presentation, Conversation Lecture Series: Institute for Research and

         African American Studies, Columbia University, New York, NY, 2005,

         “Shirley Chisholm: Unbought and Unbossed: A Radical Political Ideology.”

Panelist, Columbia University, Blacks in the Ivy League Conference, New York, NY, 2004,

        “Black Student Activism in Ivy League Institutions.”

Paper Presentation, Temple University Undergraduate Research Conference,

        Philadelphia, PA, 1998, “Congressional Black Caucus: In search for Accountable Politics in                 Black Minority Districts.” 

Teaching Experience

Adjunct Instructor, Brooklyn College, Department of African American Studies,

          Political Science and Women’s and Gender Studies Program, 2014

          Class: Race, Gender and the Politics of Inequality

Adjunct Instructor, Brooklyn College, Department of African American Studies,

          and Women’s and Gender Studies Program , 2014,

         Class: Introduction to Women’s Studies

Adjunct Instructor, Brooklyn College, Department of African American Studies

          and Women’s and Gender Studies Program, 2013,

         Class: Introduction to Women’s Studies

Adjunct Instructor, Brooklyn College, Department of African American Studies

          and Women’s and Gender Studies Program, 2013,

          Class: Feminist Theory 

Guest Instructor, Columbia University, Department of African American Studies, 2011,

          Class: Topics In the Black Experience: Black Women’s Intellectual History

Instructor, Northwestern University, Department of African American Studies, 2009.

          Class: Black Women’s Politics

Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University, Department of African American Studies, 2009.

          Class: Introduction to African American Social and Political Life.  

Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University, Department of Political Science, 2008.

          Class: African American Politics in the United States

Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University, Department of African American Studies, 2008.

          Class: The Racial and Gender Politics of Hip Hop

Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University, Department of African American Studies, 2007.

          Class: Introduction to African American Studies

Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University Department of Political Science, 2007

          Class: American Government and Politics 

Professional Experience

Policy Program Coordinator, Women’s Environment& Development Organization,

   US Global Policy, NY

Consultant, Institute for Research and African American Studies, Columbia University, NY
Graduate Research Assistant, Institute for Research and African American Studies,
   Columbia University, NY
Program Assistant/Associate, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, NY, US Law & Security
Congressional Aide, Congressman Major R. Owens, Brooklyn, NY
Staff Assistant/Legislative Correspondent, Congressman Major R. Owens, Washington, DC.
Congressional Intern, Congressman Major R. Owens, Washington, DC

University Service

President, Black Graduate School Association, Northwestern University, 2008-2009
Graduate Student Representative, Graduate Leadership Council, Northwestern University,

Graduate Student Representative, CHESS- The Communications, Humanities,
Economics and Social and Behavioral Sciences Diversity Committee, Northwestern University,

Graduate Student Council Representative, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Council,

   Columbia University, 2003-2005
Executive Board member, Black and Latino Graduate School Association,

   Columbia University, 2004-2005
President of Main Campus Program Board, Temple University, 1997-1998

Institutional Affiliations / Professional Memberships

American Political Science Association

Association for the Study of African American Life and History

Association of Black Women Historians

American Historical Association

Coordinating Council for Women in History

National Conference of Black Political Scientists

National Council of Black Studies

Organization of American Historians

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